Aloha Bloggerinos,
I'm 29 weeks/7 months pregnant now and feel reealllllyyy big! I keep looking back at my summer holiday or wedding photos and struggling to believe I was pregnant even then- I feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER.
There's lots to tell but to make it a little easier, I'll categorise (you seeeee, I'm starting my organising resolution early!).
I have a big bump and am living in my maternity jeans and leggings, something I will be sad to give up. I am suffering with really acute sporadic pelvis pain, which I'm told is sciatica. It's where the ligaments in your pelvis stretch a bit too early and it HURTS! It hasn't flared up much this last few days so I'm enjoying the reprieve!
I've also been having a really horrid acidic throat type thing which sometimes makes me think I'm going to be sick, but then I'm not- anyone know what this is or how I can sooth it?
Fortunately, those are my only 2 big gripes. Obviously I have all the usual complaints like needing the loo a lot, stretch marks and breathlessness but those are par for the course and I don't mind.
On the very, very up side, I feel her kicking SO MUCH. Sometimes she kicks so hard you can actually see it from the outside, like a little alien! I love knowing she's having a little squirm and when she does it I wonder what sort of movements she'll make when she's out in the big wide world.
(My bump on Christmas Day)
(My bump on Christmas Day)
Everyone Else:
Matt has been great. He is really fascinated when she kicks and often strokes my bump and says hello. He fetches me drinks, my laptop, snacks, cooks dinners, everything! Woop woop!
I'm trying to prepare him for being a birthing partner because I'm nervous that he'll freak out and not cope with me screaming at him, and yes, I will be screaming at him. I'm not one for doing things gracefully or quietly!
People have been really generous and given us lots of baby things. The in-laws paid for our goorrrggeeouuss Silver Cross pram. It's not the ye olde fashioned Mary Poppins type, but a modern wonder in grey and pink. Shall I take some snaps and show you?
My Dad and Stepmum bought us a camcorder for Christmas so that we could film all the precious moments, we're even going to film the birth! Not from the business end though- urgh.
My Auntie has given us a steriliser, my other Aunties loads of baby shoes and clothes and my other Auntie bibs and cuddly toys- she's well kitted out! My Grandma has been on a knitting mission and knitted all sorts of things :)
My next midwife appointment is on the 4th and I'm really looking forward to it because I get to hear her heartbeat every time I go now, it sounds like she's saying "wow wow wow wow wow wow wow". :)
Hmmmmmmmmm I'm not sure what else to update you on, but if you have any questions, let me know and I'll be sure to answer.