Aloha Sprinklerinos,
Do you remember last month when I posted THIS list of targets that I hoped I would do and enrich my life a little bit? I made it interactive, invited you to join in and I was amazed at the response!
I'm going to tell you how I did on my last set of goals in this post, and then write another with July's goals and links to everyone who took part. Do try and check out some of the people who threw themselves in and gave it a go, there are some great blogs to be found and friends to be made.
So how did I do?
Exercise :: Fail. I went on a couple of walks and did 10 minutes of a workout DVD and that was about the sum of it. I'm actually going to try again this month because I had a lot of my mind in June and I think that led to me feeling a bit lethargic, so fingers crossed I'll do better this time!
(Instagram snap of a lovely park I take Baby Glitter for walks in)
Cook :: Half Succeeded. I have introduced Baby Glitter to a variety of new foods including fish, melon and pasta (from our dinner) which she enjoyed. I had actually intended to cook Matt and I something fancy shmancy, but I have been informed that potato dauphinoise made from the packet doesn't count- pah! I also attempted to make nutella cookies, but unless you have a penchant for bitty, hard, sugar rocks, then they were a fail too. Honestly, I'm not at home in the kitchen! Hahaha
(The awful cookies of yuk!)
Clean :: Success! You know when you have one of those moments when rather than do a quick surface wipe you go crazy and clean every nook and cranny? I had one of those in my kitchen and it felt amazing! I cleaned EVERYTHING. It was really satisfying to see it look so sparkly and motivated me to get cracking on a few other areas of our home. Remember when I did the 'Home Corners' feature? Shall I bring those back again??
Create :: Success! Did you read THIS post where I made Matt a lovely Father's Day gift? Since then I have also made a DIY Instagram Collage which I enjoyed.

(Cheeky little snap I pinched from Clare's twitpics of us all on the flume. The flume which broke half way through the ride- good times. Haha)
Plan :: Success! Matt and I both took time out to go to Alton Towers with our gorgeous newlywed chums Mark and Clare (video of the day HERE). I also got back in touch with an old work colleague and we had a bit of a car picnic and drove around a little area of Northampton both choosing our dream houses together. In the pipeline for the next few weeks I have a trip to Bath to stay with Zoe and Joe for a few days, as well as a swanky hotel night with Mrs Thrifty if she can work her budgeting magic and find a bargainous deal. I have faith in her!
(This is the window of our library. I know it's a rather odd choice to snap that instead of books but how much does it make you feel like you are in Hogwarts Castle?! That alone makes me want to spend time there!!)
Read :: Success! Baby Glitter and I have been to the library no less than 3 times in as many weeks and have really enjoyed it. She absolutely loves big colourful books and we spent quite a long time quietly reading and chatting. Our local library also has a little craft area where she crayons and holds 'Rhyme Time' sessions for pre-schoolers which are a lot of fun. I will do a separate blog post on the books I have enjoyed lately. I'm definitely rediscovering my inner book worm.
(Does blogging in bed count as unwinding?)
Unwind :: Fail. I still haven't managed to have some proper quality 'Louise Time'. However, this week Matt is going to Liverpool with Baby Glitter for 4 days to see his parents (and her grandparents). This is ideal because Baby Glitter will be spoilt rotten (my parents-in-law even have a little nursery for her at their house with the exact same cot, mattress and musical night light so that she feels settled, wowzas), I will have some downtime and Matt will see his old school friends. Seeing as I don't have the support a lot of women have from their own Mothers, I am always so glad that we have Matt's Mum who dotes on Darcy so much.
All in all, 'OK'. Haha. Next month I promise to work harder at achieving my goals. The joy of this is though that nobody is going to give me a detention if I don't succeed, it's just a little self motivator and it's up to me to try as much or as little as I like.
I'll shortly be writing a post on my next 7 Things I aim to achieve and the links to all of you lovely Sprinklerinos who took part in the challenge. Please ensure that you left your link on the interactive post so that I can find you. If you're not listed on there, I can't promise you will be in the blog post. You don't have to be, you might just be doing it quietly without telling me, which is fine and dandy, but if you do, them's the rullleeezzz! ;)
Are you motivated by goals and targets or do they give you the heebiejeebies?
This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Confessions of a Secret Shopper. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!