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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pregnancy Update- 40 Weeks Pregnant

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Yep, I'm still with child and she's showing no signs of wanting out...I am literally loosing my mind with all the waiting.

I have EVERYTHING prepared in her room, mine and her hospital bags are in the boot of the car and her pram is set up and ready to roll. All we need now is the baby!

How cute is her Moses Basket? Before you safety nuts get up in arms, I won't turn the radiator on and I'd draw the curtains when it's sunny like this :)

I can't say a great deal has changed in the last few weeks but I will fill you in anyhow. I've been spending a lot of time at home because a) Maternity Pay isn't exactly lots, b) Waddling for very far becomes a bit much, even round the supermarket is now a struggle and c) Most of my chums work days or don't live in Northampton, so it's been a bit lonely. I'm looking forward to when Baby Glitter is born so that I can be a bit more mobile (providing the birth goes well) and can enjoy the sunshine and take her out in her pram.

Physically, all that has changed is that I have got bigger in the bump department, put on a few pounds (sigh), which I have felt mostly round my face and boobies and also, my feet and ankles have swollen to unnatural proportions!! Matt says it looks like my legs have fallen into my feet and calls me 'Slab Foot'. I feel so sexy, ha.

Mentally, I'm frustrated and nervous. I want her here but I'm obviously anxious about the birth, will her health be ok? Will I be ok? Will we make good parents? Will I be shattered? Will I ever do my nails or hair again? You know, the usual kind of thing you expect all new Mum's to fret over.

With any luck, I won't be doing a 41 week pregnant update and you will be reading Zoe of Zoella's guest post to say I'm in labour! She is going to come in to Glitter Land and let you all know here, on twitter and on YouTube so you won't miss it! Be sure to send me positive vibes because I'll be puffing and panting for all I'm worth!!

I want to say a really heartfelt thank you to ALL of you who over the last few months have left kind messages and helpful hints about pregnancy, birth and babies, I feel a lot more equipped thanks to you all! THANK YOU

